This could get a bit sticky.....
As stated in my last post, God and I have had an on-going discussion on living with intention. My biggest question is "what does that exactly mean"
God- "well lots of things...but lets focus on what it means to you"
Me- "mmk.........................................not letting my laundry pile up, actually doing the dishes and not leaving them for my housemate, being present in conversations, less time on facebo....
God- "Mennonites...."
Me- "Pardon??"
God- "Oh, just a thought........."
Me- "ookay....what specifically?"
God- "Coverings."
Me- ""a woman should always have her head covered when she prays/prophesies thing" ?"
God- "meh...more like......"Amy needs to actually stick to this living simply/living intentionally and knowing her(I created you after all) she needs something tangible to have any hope of this sticking in her brain..."
Me- "wow...thanks for not holding back..."
God-"Don't mention it....I'll be here for infinity..."
I found a video on youtube of Rob Bell explaining a bit about the Jewish culture and the Bible. In Numbers, God says to sew four tassels onto the corners of your cloak.
"You will have these tassels to look at and so you will remember all the commands of the Lord, that you may obey them and not prostitute yourselves by going after the lusts of your own hearts and eyes" Numbers 15:39
So essentially the Israelites wore these prayer shawls with four tassels every day of their lives, as a reminder of the commands of God. God knew that some people (like me) can hear Him speak, but if they don't have something that they can touch or tangibly wrap their head around- they just won't get it.
So what does this have to do with Mennonites and coverings? Read on my friend..
Although I didn't grow up Mennonite, their faith/culture is deffinatly part of my heritage. I would say that the more I research and read about them, the more I'm starting to identify with their beliefs. So I really shouldn't have been suprised when God brought up the thing about coverings...
So, instead of buying a covering, I took to my craft room, rummaged through the fabric box, grabbed some plain muslin, made a pattern and sewed up my own. I later made one of Organza, which is a more traditional fabric.(I'll try posting pictures)
Me- "wow..they turned out really good...and I don't look half-bad with them on either"
God- "So when are you actually gonna wear them outside of your bedroom?"
Me- "well..................................."
God- "faith without works..remember?"
Me- "well, the muslin one will be great for work, although people will probly ask about it..... and the organza one will be for church...although I really don't want it to be a distraction to anyone....after the holidays maybe...."
God- "mmmhhm...that's what i thought..."
We might be working on this for awhile......
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